Plinia sp Cambuca Gigante - GERMINATED
Seeds were imported from Brazil.This tree, native to Uruçuca, Bahia, Brazil, grows to approximately 16 meters in height and is distinguished by its sweet, juicy fruit, which is full of pulp and resembles Cambucá (Plinia edulis). However, it is not Plinia edulis. The hunter who discovered it named it "Cambuca" because the fruits are large and yellow. The fruit is round, smooth-skinned, and very sweet. Thriving in the humid, fertile soils of the tropical rainforest, the tree features a strong structure and a dense canopy with broad, glossy leaves.
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.
Seeds were imported from Brazil.This tree, native to Uruçuca, Bahia, Brazil, grows to approximately 16 meters in height and is distinguished by its sweet, juicy fruit, which is full of pulp and resembles Cambucá (Plinia edulis). However, it is not Plinia edulis. The hunter who discovered it named it "Cambuca" because the fruits are large and yellow. The fruit is round, smooth-skinned, and very sweet. Thriving in the humid, fertile soils of the tropical rainforest, the tree features a strong structure and a dense canopy with broad, glossy leaves.
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.
Seeds were imported from Brazil.This tree, native to Uruçuca, Bahia, Brazil, grows to approximately 16 meters in height and is distinguished by its sweet, juicy fruit, which is full of pulp and resembles Cambucá (Plinia edulis). However, it is not Plinia edulis. The hunter who discovered it named it "Cambuca" because the fruits are large and yellow. The fruit is round, smooth-skinned, and very sweet. Thriving in the humid, fertile soils of the tropical rainforest, the tree features a strong structure and a dense canopy with broad, glossy leaves.
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.