Eugenia sp Pulpa Branca
Seeds were imported from Brazil. Eugenia sp Pulpa Branca is Native Bahia state and grows in Mata atlantica. Fruits are dark blue when mature and the pulp is white. The pulp is sweet and has a great taste. The skin of this fruit is astringent.
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.
Seeds were imported from Brazil. Eugenia sp Pulpa Branca is Native Bahia state and grows in Mata atlantica. Fruits are dark blue when mature and the pulp is white. The pulp is sweet and has a great taste. The skin of this fruit is astringent.
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.
Seeds were imported from Brazil. Eugenia sp Pulpa Branca is Native Bahia state and grows in Mata atlantica. Fruits are dark blue when mature and the pulp is white. The pulp is sweet and has a great taste. The skin of this fruit is astringent.
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.