Eugenia sp CDQ
This Eugenia species is native to Campos Dos Quiriri in Santa Catarina State. This specie is cold hardy and can handle slight frosts. Fruits are sweet with a hint of acid taste. This Eugenia tastes way better than Uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis) according to the collectors. It is another MUST HAVE as far as we are concerned. It grows with little fuss, and very quickly, keep it in a container or put it in the ground. It is going to grow by the day for you!
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.
This Eugenia species is native to Campos Dos Quiriri in Santa Catarina State. This specie is cold hardy and can handle slight frosts. Fruits are sweet with a hint of acid taste. This Eugenia tastes way better than Uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis) according to the collectors. It is another MUST HAVE as far as we are concerned. It grows with little fuss, and very quickly, keep it in a container or put it in the ground. It is going to grow by the day for you!
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.
This Eugenia species is native to Campos Dos Quiriri in Santa Catarina State. This specie is cold hardy and can handle slight frosts. Fruits are sweet with a hint of acid taste. This Eugenia tastes way better than Uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis) according to the collectors. It is another MUST HAVE as far as we are concerned. It grows with little fuss, and very quickly, keep it in a container or put it in the ground. It is going to grow by the day for you!
You are purchasing a single seed. Seeds are shipped in humid vermiculite.