Chrysophyllum sp. Nova Sabiá - GERMINATED
This species was imported as seed from Brazil. Nova Sabiá is a new Chrysophyllum species found near the coast in Bahia. it's a very small shrub with a height of maximum 2 meters. The fruits are pretty sweet and have no astringency at all and the skin is edible and has no influence on the taste. Absolutely one of the most beautiful Chrysophyllum species. The flesh is white, creamy, and juicy. Seeds will be shipped in humid vermiculite.
This species was imported as seed from Brazil. Nova Sabiá is a new Chrysophyllum species found near the coast in Bahia. it's a very small shrub with a height of maximum 2 meters. The fruits are pretty sweet and have no astringency at all and the skin is edible and has no influence on the taste. Absolutely one of the most beautiful Chrysophyllum species. The flesh is white, creamy, and juicy. Seeds will be shipped in humid vermiculite.
This species was imported as seed from Brazil. Nova Sabiá is a new Chrysophyllum species found near the coast in Bahia. it's a very small shrub with a height of maximum 2 meters. The fruits are pretty sweet and have no astringency at all and the skin is edible and has no influence on the taste. Absolutely one of the most beautiful Chrysophyllum species. The flesh is white, creamy, and juicy. Seeds will be shipped in humid vermiculite.