Cavanillesia Chicamochae “Baobab Colombiano”


Seeds were imported from Colombia. You will receive an entire seed pod that will contain a single seed. You will plant the entire pod. This is a purely ornamental species, and has no edible qualities. The Colombian baobab or pot-bellied baobab or pot-bellied ceiba ( Cavanillesia chicamochae ) is a species of dicotyledonous plant in the Malvaceae family . It only lives in Colombia ; It is exclusive to the Chicamocha canyon . It was first described by José Luis Fernández Alonso in 2003. This tree is known by locals as “el baobab colombiano”, “baobab barrigón”, “palo borracho”, Ceiba barrigona or simply “barrigón” in reference to it’s swollen trunk that resembles a large belly. Its distribution is known only from a single canyon, making it very rare and very important to conserve the species. Pods will be shipped in humid vermiculite.

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