Eugenia aff Ligustrina

from $12.00

Quantity: 1 plant, 2 plants or 3 plants

Container: 4X4X6 Container

Seeds were imported from Brazil. This is a species of Eugenia thought to be closely related to Eugenia ligustrina and Eugenia Brasiliensis, found in Garuva-SC in Brazil. The fruits form green, and then ripened to red, and then black. The plant and fruit closely resemble Eugenia Brasiliensis, but does have various small differences. They are both called “Murta” by the locals. This plant can be found at an altitude of 800 -900 in Santa Catarina.

We can ship up to five 4x4x6 containers for $15 total. For this specie you can get 1, 2, or 3 plants in one 4x4x6 Container. If you get multiple plants, I would recommend separating them and potting them up as soon as you receive them. We are putting multiple plants in the pots to save you on shipping costs.

The plants photographed are similar to the ones you will receive. Typically the largest plants available will be shipped out first.

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